Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So, I've been a bit out of touch. I'll be the first to admit it. But it's not my fault I swear.

I mean when the psychiatrist tells your foster parents that blogging is only helping to keep the delusions going, what can you do?

But I'm back, and its not a delusion.

I think.

But that's all part of the story later on. Right now we're still on the spacestation with Ven and John.

So once again, I really apologize for not keeping up the blog. I think if my brother really loved me he would have continued writing the story even while I was on my internet hiatus.

Of course, my brother thinks he demonstrated his love by, you know, rescuing me. Like whatever, John. You keep thinking that. I real, loving android brother would have been able to do both.

The story will continue, once I've figured out where exactly I left off.

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