Saturday, June 27, 2009

Question Break 2

Today is another question break/summary day. This is where I recap in a few terse sentences exactly what you need to know to go on and you guys ask me all the questions you want. If you’re not brave enough to comment (I rarely comment on blogs myself, I always feel everyone else might find my comment somehow not worthy), then feel free to ask me questions on Facebook. What you didn’t know I was on Facebook? Well I am. Be my friend! Search Carlee Earhart. My Facebook profile pic matches the pic on this page. It’s a picture I took from our spaceship of Earth using my digital camera. It’s good, isn’t it?

So the summary.

I thought my brother was an android and that we had been abducted by the Society of Anthropologists.

I woke up in my room and everyone told me it was a delusion. They said I had been sick.

I don’t remember being sick.

Everything is normal. I wish it was normal.

But somehow it all feels wrong.

So do you have any questions? Want to know how exactly I was feeling at a particular point or unclear on exactly what the Society of Anthropologists is? If you are confused or curious at all, please just ask me a question. I’ll answer it in a comment myself or make a new post.

Have a good day. I hope Earth is treating you well.

Goodness knows, Earth must be treating you better than space is treating me.


  1. Regarding your this point in the story do you believe him to be an android or an earthling? It seems to me as though you don't truly believe that you are once again on earth. Also, do you think you might perhaps still be in the holodeck of the ship?
    Fascinating story, by the way.

  2. I'll admit it is a littler confusing, mainly because I'm very very confused at this point.

    Part of me believes he's an android, but another part of me believes he's human. I don't truly believe I'm back on earth because everything doesn't quite feel right. Yet everything is perfectly normal and feels real. If I was as smart as you I would probably have immediately jumped to the whole holodeck thing as a possibility, but it all just felt so real. Holodecks shouldn't feel that real. I mean if holodecks feel that real then why wouldn't everyone in Star Trek just live in holodecks all the time?

    So I guess the holodeck thing never seriously crossed my mind. When the idea popped into my head at night when I was trying to fall asleep, I would just push it aside with the excuse that holodecks can't feel that real.

    Did that answer your question?

  3. Wow, totally apologize for my spelling. *little not littler

    Just goes to show I should have John proof read everything before I post.

  4. Yes, that answered my question. Thank you very much for sharing your story with everyone. I must admit though I did not take into consideration how you must have been feeling during this time and how confused you probably were. I look forward to reading more about your...shall we call it...adventure.
