Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Entry 51

Ven left John and I in the mess hall so that he could land the ship. A hologram with Blaue stayed with us, though I was sure she would also be waiting for Ven in the cockpit. I wished Ven would let me up there to see how he landed the ship. I wondered how necessary he was, or if Blaue did all the real work.

"This is certainly going to be an interesting day," John commented as he strapped into one of the chairs against the room's wall. Blaue had instructed us to strap in for safety reasons, while also reassuring us that it would be unnecessary. It was just a safety precaution. "I can't wait to get out of here. I've been going a little stir crazy."

"I hadn't noticed," I said. "You've been spending so much time studying. It seems like you like being cooped up with nothing to do but study. Gives you an excuse."

"Studying gives me something to keep my mind off of how small this ship really is," John responded.

"I'm fairly large for a personal vessel," Blaue said, crossing her arms and glaring down at John. My brother had the decency to look abashed at his words.

"I did not mean to insult you," he responded. "It's just when you're used to having a whole city to roam, this ship seems small."

"I know what you meant," she laughed. "I am just making a joke. I know I'm a small ship. I just like to remind men they need to be careful what they say around ladies."

"So you do consider yourself female?" I asked, thinking back to the cognizant at the Society's headquarters who had claimed he was an 'it'.

"Ven considers me female," Blaue answered. "And it's the opinion of my captain that matters most. I have discovered that most males do tend to view their ships as female. Most of my captains have preferred that I take on a female form. I am really neither. I could appear as a male should Ven prefer it."

"It's just so strange that Ven views you as a female and John as an it," I said. "You can be either. John has no choice. He is built to be male."

"Ven is many things, one of which is a walking contradiction," Blaue said. "He does not like to be reminded that he has so many conflicting view points. Many times, I think he forgets I'm simply a computer. But his prejudices against androids run deep." Blaue sighed and collapsed dramatically into a nearby chair. "But what can I do? I'm just a simple artificial cognizant?"

"Simple my foot," I responded, causing Blaue to look at my oddly. I then hurried to explain what I meant. "You are anything but simple, Blaue. We don't have anything like you on Earth."

"And Earth is what you measure all technologies against?" Blaue laughed. "Oh Carlee, I fear you are going to find the Universe very complex indeed." I flushed. I guess it was silly of me to compare her to Earth technology. What did we have on Earth that came close? Nothing.

"How long until we land?" John asked.

"We already have," Blaue said, jumping back up to her feet with a smile. "Unstrap yourselves and come along. You have a space station to explore."

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