Friday, September 11, 2009


Clearly I am a terrible blogger who can't keep my promise of blogging every day. I blame it on school. When I was abducted from Earth by the Society of Anthropologists and whisked away on an adventure to rescue my brother, I did not think I would ever be in school again. Who knew that the Barkers were excellent home school teachers, not to mention task masters? Now I spend my days memorizing Universal Laws and writing essays on the philosophies of cultures that to me look like bugs. Who knew bugs had culture? Not me.

All this is to apologize for doing such a lousy job with the every day posting thing. I think I'm going to have to cut back and make a new promise. Let's try every other day. Monday, Wednesday, Friday maybe.

I feel terrible, but John says I can't forsake my school work for this blog. The Barkers are also skeptical about me even writing a blog (Ven's influence!) so they're probably giving me extra work so that I don't have time. They know the Society doesn't approve of me contaminating Earth's culture. They don't want me to get into trouble. I understand, but sheesh, they're not my parents. Not even foster parents. Technically, that job still belongs to Ellen and Scott. I should be my own person! I shouldn't have to worry about someone else's parents telling me what to do.

Now I sound like a petulant sixteen-year-old girl. Of course, I am sixteen, but that doesn't mean I have to sound like a whiny girl. So instead I'm going to continue doing my coursework and only post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

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