Saturday, August 8, 2009

Question Break 7

It's another question day! You undoubtedly know what that means by now.

So summary:

John and I are getting settled in onboard Ven's ship, Der Blaue Stern.

Blaue, the ship's Artificial Cognizant, is fascinating.

Don't ask and don't tell when it comes to food.

If you have any questions let me know. Remember I'm also on facebook. You should totally friend me. I know some of you are just reading and not friending me. Shame on you. Become my friend!

Facebook shameless plug is over.

Ask your questions! I've got answers.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, what is the deal with Ven and androids? From what I've heard of Ven's reasoning, you would think Ven's position is based on philosophical concepts; however, Ven's vehemence strikes me as something originating from deeper roots. He was so wrapped up with protesting John getting a room that he completely missed Blaue calling him grotesque (though how Blaue knows what Ven looks like naked is something I don't want to get into). He likewise seems driven to distraction whenever you or Blaue bring John up in any way positive. Was Ven bitten by an android as a child or something?

    As a side question out of curiousity, why does Ven speak in German to Blaue and give her a German name? Is the human colony predominantly German or something?
